Our Vision & Mission

Vision & Mission

To transform the global community through unparalleled personal character & leadership development training.

What Is Essential Character Leadership

At our core, we recognize the inherent and distinct character virtues that shape the identity of each individual. Essential Character Leadership signifies the art of understanding, wholeheartedly embracing, and effective self leadership of one’s own path. It’s about assuming personal accountability for every facet of one’s history, present and future, all while integrating and harmonizing them with the foundational virtues of Essential Character Leadership. We are resolute in our conviction that character underpins every aspect of our existence, and accordingly, your character shapes your thoughts, words and actions, ultimately governing the circumstances as well as the outcomes that unfold in your life.

How We Develop Essential Character Leadership

We forge partnerships with Athletes, Youth Teams & Organizations, Church Youth Groups & Organizations, Schools, Businesses, Executives, Administrators, Individuals, Community and Youth Organizations. Through dynamic and interactive workshops, along with insightful training sessions, we create a space for inspiration, influence and impactful growth in order to leave a lasting impact on as many individuals as possible.

Our focus thrives when partnering with individuals and organizations deeply committed to igniting and fully harnessing their potential. ECL recognizes that only a minute fraction of people consciously steer their life’s trajectory purposefully. It’s truly remarkable how rare it is for individuals to embrace strategic living and their active role in shaping their own circumstances.

ECL’s fundamental tenet revolves around the notion that by embarking on the journey of identifying and nurturing your ECL virtues, you are embarking on a lifelong odyssey of Self Discovery (Awareness) and Self Development (Growth Mindset). This transformative journey unveils and cultivates your authentic self. As ECL virtues come to light and evolve, we firmly assert that this not only paves the path to perpetually embodying your finest self, but also serves as the master key to unlocking your pathway to purpose in your life.

Why Essential Character Leadership

The essence of life lies in uncovering your unique talent, the journey of life is dedicated to nurturing it, and the true significance of life is found in sharing your gift with others.

Preceding any journey of leadership, followership, or even personal growth towards becoming the ultimate version of oneself, ECL asserts that the foremost step is mastering the art of leading oneself. Central to this premise is the imperative understanding that before leading oneself, a profound knowledge of your true self is requisite — not the identity or perception molded by yourself or the world, but the very core of who you are meant to be: your character. This veritable self, untouched by the world's influences or self-deception, forms the nucleus of one's character. This is the foundation of your identity. ECL firmly asserts that when you truly comprehend your character, you find your purpose and kindle the fire of passion and dedication needed to share your unique gifts with the world.

ECL posits that the discernment of one's character corresponds to the unveiling of purpose. This revelation, in turn, becomes the catalyst for unearthing your unique gifts, igniting an unwavering fervor and determination to share these gifts with the world. ECL maintains that while you cannot compel anyone to take specific actions, creating the right environment significantly enhances the likelihood of individuals making morally sound choices. ECL is committed to guiding you in creating and constructing such an environment, irrespective of external and prevailing circumstances.

Further Reasons To Embrace ECL:

  1. Visionary Approach: Our interactive workshops and engaging training sessions aren't just learning opportunities for individuals to nurture their authentic selves, but also to harmonize with the vision, mission, and values of their teams, institutions, or organizations. Participants gain the essential tools, skills, and wisdom needed for lifelong development.

  2. Proven Success: Our training paradigm bolsters the culture of any team, institution, or organization by amplifying the impact of each individual’s contribution within it. Participants come to recognize their role in a larger narrative and grasp how to optimize their contributions, thus aligning personal and collective aspirations. Decades of prior achievements stand as a testament and validated this approach, and we are committed to continuing this success with you.

  3. Grounded in Research: Our training seamlessly integrates cited research and draws from over three decades of hands-on experience. To ensure the utmost quality, each workshop undergoes review and approval by a Ph.D. certified program evaluator, ensuring its effectiveness and credibility.