
Developing Champions For Life

“Watch your thoughts, they become your words; watch your words, they become your actions; watch your actions, they become your habits; watch your habits, they become your character; watch your character, it becomes your destiny.”

Welcome to a journey that acknowledges your progress but also propels you further. Your leadership potential remains untapped, and the path to unlocking your pathway to purpose beckons. Yet, the pivotal stepping stone towards these milestones is the mastery of self-leadership. This journey necessitates an intimate understanding of your core, your character – and this is where ECL comes in because we believe Character Is Destiny!

Are you tired of excuses that hinder growth? Let us help you improve the only thing you can control - yourself! A defining moment is approaching when you must choose between being a Champion for Life or a Victim for Life. Our workshops stand as a testament to a curriculum crafted with purpose, pragmatism, and deep consideration.

Whether a single training to invigorate your personal vision or an organization's objectives, or an entire series of transformative sessions, we're equipped to tailor our offerings to meet your needs. Our pricing is adaptable, ensuring a fit with your budget while maximizing your return on investment. In essence, excuses are eradicated, obstacles are dismantled – the power of choice resides with you.


  • The Character Blueprint Concept

    • Audience: Athletes, Youth Teams & Organizations, Church Youth Groups & Organizations, Schools, Businesses, Executives, Administrators, Individuals, Community and Youth Organizations

    • Format: Interactive Presentation & Individual and Group Exercises, Virtual or Online (Self Paced) Training also available.

    • Description: Experience the transformative journey of The Character Blueprint Concept workshop, where you'll unlock the four pivotal stages that pave the way for a life rooted in character. Discover how embracing a character-centered existence, also known as the Essential Character Leadership Life, can reshape your life trajectory, amplify your leadership prowess, and reshape your circumstances.

      Delve into the realm of Self Discovery, uncovering your authentic character virtues. Navigate the path of Self Development, mastering the art of nurturing and applying these virtues daily. Immerse yourself in an exploration of your character-centered core values, attitudes, beliefs, and standards – the guiding principles that steer your life's course.

      Embrace the art of self-knowledge as you identify your character-driven aspirations and dreams, harmonizing them with the purpose that defines your life. The Character Blueprint Concept, integral to ECL's philosophy, lays the foundation for self-leadership, nurturing your true self to emerge.

      Every ECL workshop encapsulates the essential elements of The Character Blueprint Concept. This is a journey you won't want to miss – a voyage of profound self-discovery and empowerment.

  • The Power of Essential Character Leadership

    • Audience: Athletes, Youth Teams & Organizations, Church Youth Groups & Organizations, Schools, Businesses, Executives, Administrators, Individuals, Community and Youth Organizations

    • Format: Interactive Presentation & Individual and Group Exercises, Virtual or Online (Self Paced) Training also available.

    • Description: Embark on a transformative journey with The Power of Essential Character Leadership workshop, where you'll be awakened to the staggering reality of making over 35,000 decisions each day. Many of these choices are executed automatically, driven by habits, routines, or subconscious processes. In essence, decision-making is an ongoing phenomenon, transpiring both consciously and subconsciously. Gain the insight and intentionality necessary to navigate this intricate landscape.

      Dive into the art of unlearning and dismantling the barriers that hinder your progress, whether in the pursuit of short-term aspirations or long-term goals. Through the process of self-auditing, unravel the complexities that impede your path to achievement. Acquire the vital life skill of self-auditing, learning when and how to perform it effectively.

      Apprehend the profound impact of Fear, Doubt & Indecision (FDI) on your life due to the absence of deliberate choices. Explore the transformative potential of embracing a certain level of self-centeredness. Delve into the intricacies of managing temptations and impulses, and acquire strategies to surmount them. Uncover the nuances of willpower, both its constructive and detrimental facets, and discover methods to enhance your intentions with responsibility.

      Finally, recognize the pivotal significance of "soft skills" such as engagement and critical thinking. The Power of Essential Character Leadership workshop is your gateway to a more profound understanding of your decision-making processes and a means to fortify your intentionality in every aspect of life.

  • The Essence of Essential Character Leadership Alignment

    • Audience: Athletes, Youth Teams & Organizations, Church Youth Groups & Organizations, Schools, Businesses, Executives, Administrators, Individuals, Community and Youth Organizations

    • Format: Interactive Presentation & Individual and Group Exercises, Virtual or Online (Self Paced) Training also available.

    • Description: Embark on an illuminating journey with The Power of Essential Character Leadership Alignment workshop. This transformative experience sheds light on the pivotal significance of synchronizing your internal and external selves, harmonizing them to create a powerful alignment. Discover why this alignment is paramount for the realization of your goals and aspirations, and, most importantly, how to manifest this synergy.

      Uncover the astonishing fact that the average person generates between 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts each day, and learn how to harness intentionality in navigating this mental landscape. Elevate your consciousness to skillfully manage disruptive and unruly emotions, striving for mastery over your emotional realm.

      Delve into the intricate fabric of your thinking patterns, the internal dialogues that shape your perceptions, and the conversations that transpire with the world around you. Explore how these thoughts and dialogues, in turn, influence your actions, casting ripples that span from your overall mood to your daily sense of joy.

      The Power of Essential Character Leadership Alignment workshop empowers you with the insights and tools to bridge the gap between your internal and external realities, fostering a state of alignment that propels you towards the realization of your highest potential.

  • The Inner Compass: Unveiling the Power of Inside-Out Character

    • Audience: Athletes, Youth Teams & Organizations, Church Youth Groups & Organizations, Schools, Businesses, Executives, Administrators, Individuals, Community and Youth Organizations

    • Format: Interactive Presentation & Individual and Group Exercises, Virtual or Online (Self Paced) Training also available.

    • Description: Step into a transformative realm with The Inner Compass: Unveiling the Power of Inside-Out Character workshop. This illuminating experience imparts the profound wisdom that, while you might not always command external circumstances, you wield unparalleled control over your internal realm. Delve into a comprehensive exploration encompassing concepts from Self Love to Self Mastery, all interwoven into this potent workshop that promises to leave you awestruck.

      Discover a remarkable truth: The ethos, including every facet of your life, from the people you encounter to the environments you inhabit, holds immense significance. Grasp the revelation that you bear not only responsibility but also unparalleled control over these facets. Unveil the intricate connections between the individuals in your life, the spaces you frequent, the events that unfold, and even the melodies and media that captivate you. This workshop unveils the power you possess over every single facet of your existence.

      Engage in a profound journey of self-discovery, realizing that the content you "consume" daily – be it through television, social media, podcasts, environments, or social circles – profoundly influences you. Recognize that this consumption can shape your trajectory positively or negatively, influencing the contours of your future. Moreover, learn to discern the worthlessness of expending energy on external factors beyond your control and embark on the path to mastering the art of time management.

      The Inner Compass: Unveiling the Power of Inside-Out Character workshop empowers you to revolutionize your approach to life, enabling you to shape your inner world with intentionality, which, in turn, harmonizes and influences the outer reality you navigate.